
How To Edit Multiple Excel Workbooks In A Folder

Delight Note: This commodity is written for users of the following Microsoft Excel versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Excel in Role 365. If yous are using an earlier version (Excel 2003 or earlier), this tip may not work for yous. For a version of this tip written specifically for earlier versions of Excel, click here: Making Changes in a Group of Workbooks.

Making Changes in a Group of Workbooks

Over fourth dimension, it is very easy to create and collect a huge number of Excel workbooks. Suppose that y'all had a whole agglomeration of workbooks in which yous needed to make the aforementioned change. For instance, you might demand to alter the value stored in cell A10 of each of the worksheets in each of the workbooks.

If you had just a few workbooks to change, the chore is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel: Load each workbook and, in plow, make the change to each of them. If you lot have a couple hundred workbooks in which the modify needs to be made, then the task becomes more formidable.

If you anticipate but needing to practice this task once, then the easiest solution is to create a text file that contains the path and filename of each of the workbooks, i workbook per line. For instance, yous might end up with a file that had entries such as this:

c:\myfiles\start workbook.xlsx c:\myfiles\second workbook.xlsx c:\myfiles\tertiary workbook.xlsx        

The file could have as many lines in it as necessary; it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that each line be a valid path and file proper name, and that there exist no bare lines in the file.

You could nearly easily create such a file by displaying a command-prompt window, navigating to the directory containing the workbooks, and issuing the following command:

dir /b > myfilelist.txt        

Each file in the directory ends up in the myfilelist.txt file. You lot volition need to load the text file into a text editor and check information technology out so you can delete extraneous entries. (For instance, myfilelist.txt will finish up in the listing.) You will too demand to add the path proper noun to the get-go of each line in the file.

In one case the file is complete, y'all tin starting time Excel and apply a macro to read the text file, load each workbook listed in the text file, step through each worksheet in that workbook, make the appropriate change, and save the workbook. The following macro will perform these tasks nicely.

Sub ChangeFiles1()     Dim sFilename Equally String     Dim wks As Worksheet      Open up "c:\myfiles\myfilelist.txt" For Input As #ane     Exercise While Not EOF(1)         Input #one, sFilename  ' Get workbook path and proper name         Workbooks.Open sFilename          With ActiveWorkbook             For Each wks In .Worksheets                 ' Specify the change to brand                 wks.Range("A1").Value = "A1 Changed"             Next         Terminate With          ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True     Loop     Shut #ane End Sub        

While this approach works great if you only have to process a unmarried batch of workbook files, it can be made much more flexible if you anticipate needing to brand such changes in the future. The biggest hassle, of course, is putting together the myfilelist.txt file each time y'all desire to process a batch of files. Flexibility is added if the macro could only utilise a directory and then load each workbook from that directory.

Sub ChangeFiles2()     Dim MyPath Every bit String     Dim MyFile Equally String     Dim dirName As Cord     Dim wks Every bit Worksheet      ' Modify directory path equally desired     dirName = "c:\myfiles\"      MyPath = dirName & "*.xlsx"     MyFile = Dir(MyPath)     If MyFile > "" And so MyFile = dirName & MyFile      Do While MyFile <> ""         If Len(MyFile) = 0 Then Exit Exercise           Workbooks.Open MyFile          With ActiveWorkbook             For Each wks In .Worksheets                 ' Specify the change to make                 wks.Range("A1").Value = "A1 Inverse"             Next         End With          ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True          MyFile = Dir         If MyFile > "" Then MyFile = dirName & MyFile     Loop Finish Sub        

This macro uses whatever directory yous specify for the dirName variable. Any workbook file (ending with the .Xlsx extension) is loaded and processed.

Some other approach is to accept the macro ask the user which directory should be processed. You can utilise the standard Excel File dialog box to do this, in the way shown in the following macro.

Public Sub ChangeFiles3()     Dim MyPath As String     Dim MyFile As String     Dim dirName Equally String      With Awarding.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)         ' Optional: set folder to outset in         .InitialFileName = "C:\Excel\"         .Championship = "Select the binder to process"         If .Prove = True So             dirName = .SelectedItems(one)         Terminate If     End With      MyPath = dirName & "\*.xlsx"     myFile = Dir(MyPath)     If MyFile > "" Then MyFile = dirName & MyFile      Do While MyFile <> ""         If Len(MyFile) = 0 Then Go out Practice           Workbooks.Open MyFile          With ActiveWorkbook             For Each wks In .Worksheets                 ' Specify the change to make                 wks.Range("A1").Value = "A1 Inverse"             Next         End With          ActiveWorkbook.Shut SaveChanges:=True          MyFile = Dir         If MyFile > "" So MyFile = dirName & MyFile     Loop End Sub        

If you would like to know how to use the macros described on this page (or on any other folio on the ExcelTips sites), I've prepared a special folio that includes helpful information. Click hither to open that special page in a new browser tab.

ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (8939) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Excel in Role 365. You can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Excel here: Making Changes in a Grouping of Workbooks.

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With more than l not-fiction books and numerous mag articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized writer. He is president of Sharon Parq Assembly, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen...


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