
How To Calculate Percent Difference Between Two Numbers In Excel

In this tutorial, you will lean a quick style to calculate percentages in Excel, detect the basic percentage formula and a few more formulas for computing percentage increase, pct of total and more.

Calculating percentage is useful in many areas of life, whether it is eating house tipping, reseller committee, your income revenue enhancement or involvement charge per unit. Say, you've been lucky enough to become a 25% off promotion code on a new plasma TV. Is this a adept bargain? And how much will y'all eventually have to pay?

In this tutorial, we are going to explore a few techniques that will help you efficiently calculate percent in Excel and learn the bones percent formulas that will take the guesswork out of your calculations.

  • Percentage basics
  • Excel percent formula
  • Calculating percentage of full
  • Calculating percent change (percentage increase / decrease)
  • Calculate corporeality and total by pct
  • Increase / decrease a number by percent

Percentage basics

The term "per cent" is derived from the Latin per centum, meaning "by the hundred". As you probably recall from high schoolhouse math course, a percentage is a fraction of 100 that is calculated past dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying the consequence by 100.

The bones percentage formula is as follows:

(Part/Whole)*100 = Percentage

For example, if y'all had 20 apples and you gave 5 to your friends, how much did y'all give, per centum wise? By performing a simple calculation =5/20*100 you get the answer - 25%.

This is how you normally summate percentages in school and everyday life. Computing percentage in Microsoft Excel is even easier since Excel performs some operations for you automatically, in the groundwork.

Regrettably, at that place is no universal Excel formula for percentage that would cover all possible scenarios. If you ask someone "Which percent formula do I use to go the result I want?", well-nigh probable, you will get an reply similar "Well, that depends on what exactly issue you want to attain."

So, let me testify you a few unproblematic formulas for calculating a percent in Excel such as a percentage increment formula, a formula to get percentages of a total and more.

Basic Excel pct formula

The basic formula to calculate per centum in Excel is this:

Function/Total = Percent

If you compare it to the basic math formula for percentage, you will notice that Excel's percentage formula lacks the *100 office. When computing a percentage in Excel, you lot do not have to multiply the resulting fraction by 100 since Excel does this automatically when the Per centum format is practical to a cell.

And now, let's meet how y'all can utilize the Excel percentage formula on real-life information. Suppose, you take the number of "Ordered items" in cavalcade B and "Delivered items" in cavalcade C. To discover out the percentage of delivered products, perform the following steps:

  • Enter the formula =C2/B2 in jail cell D2, and copy it down to as many rows as you need.
  • Click the Percent Style button (Home tab > Number grouping) to display the resulting decimal fractions as percentages.
  • Retrieve to increase the number of decimal places if needed, as explained in Percentage tips.
  • Done! : )

The same sequence of steps shall be performed when using any other percentage formula in Excel.

In the following case, cavalcade D displays a rounded percent of delivered items, without any decimal places showing.

Using the basic Excel percentage formula

Calculating percentage of total in Excel

In fact, the above example is a item case of computing percentages of a total. At present, let's investigate a few more examples that will assist you make quick piece of work of computing a percent of a total in Excel on different data sets.

Example i. The full is at the end of the table in a certain jail cell

A very common scenario is when y'all have a full in a single cell at the end of a table. In this case, the per centum formula will be similar to the ane we've just discussed with the only difference that a cell reference in the denominator is an absolute reference (with $).The dollar sign fixes the reference to a given cell, so that information technology never changes no matter where the formula is copied.

For case, if you take some values in column B and their total in jail cell B10, you'd use the following formula to calculate percentages of the total:


You utilise a relative prison cell reference to cell B2 because yous want it to get changed when you re-create the formula to other cells of column B. Simply you enter $B$10 as an absolute cell reference because you want to leave the denominator stock-still on B10 when auto-filling the formula downwardly to row nine.

Tip. To make the denominator an absolute reference, either type the dollar sign ($) manually or click the prison cell reference in the formula bar and printing F4.

The screenshot beneath demonstrates the results returned by the formula, the Percentages of Total cavalcade is formatted equally percentage with two decimal places showing.
Calculating percentage of a total in Excel

Example 2. Parts of the full are in multiple rows

In the above case, suppose you accept several rows for the same product and y'all want to know what role of the total is made by all orders of that item product.

In this case, you lot tin use the SUMIF role to add upwardly all numbers relating to a given product start, and so divide that number by the total, like this:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range) / full

Given that column A contains all product names, column B lists corresponding quantities, cell E1 is the name of the product you lot are interested in, and the total is in cell B10, your real-life formula may look similar to this:

=SUMIF(A2:A9 ,E1, B2:B9) / $B$x
A formula to calculate a percentage of the total when items are in multiple rows

Naturally, you can put the production proper noun straight in the formula, like this:

=SUMIF(A2:A9, "cherries", B2:B9) / $B$ten

If you want to find out what part of the total a few different products make, add together up the results returned by several SUMIF functions, and and then divide that number by the total. For example, the following formula calculates the percent of cherries and apples:

=(SUMIF(A2:A9, "cherries", B2:B9) + SUMIF(A2:A9, "apples", B2:B9)) / $B$10

For more information nigh the SUM function, please check out the following tutorials:

  • How to utilize the SUMIF role in Excel
  • Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria

How to calculate percentage change in Excel

Of all formulas for calculating pct in Excel, a percent change formula is probably the one you would employ well-nigh often.

Excel formula for percentage change (percent increase / decrease)

To calculate pct change between values A and B, use the following formula:

Per centum Change = (B - A) / A

When applying this formula to real data, information technology is important that you lot correctly determine which value is A and which is B. For instance, yesterday you lot had 80 apples and how you lot accept 100, significant that now you have 20 apples more than than earlier, which is 25% increase. If you had 100 apples and at present yous take 80, your number of apples has reduced by xx, which is xx% decrease.

Considering the above, our Excel formula for percentage change takes the following shape:

(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value

And now, allow's run across how yous tin can utilize this percentage change formula (aka Excel percentage increase formula) in your spreadsheets.

Example i. Calculating percent modify betwixt ii columns

Suppose that you have the last calendar month prices in column B and this month prices in column C. Then yous can enter the post-obit formula in cell D2 to calculate percent change in your Excel sheet:


This per centum modify formula calculates the percentage increment / decrease in this month (cavalcade C) comparted to last month (cavalcade B).

Subsequently copying the formula to other rows, remember to click the Pct Style button on the ribbon to display decimals as percentages and you will get a event similar to what you see in the screenshot beneath. In this example, positive percentages that show per centum increase are formatted in usual black, while the negative percentages (percent decrease) are formatted in red by using the technique explained in this tip.
Excel formula to calculate percent change between 2 columns

Example 2. Calculating per centum modify betwixt rows

In example you have one column of numbers, say cavalcade C that lists weekly or monthly sales, you tin summate pct change using this formula:


Where C2 is the 1st and C3 is the iind prison cell with data.

Note. Please pay attention that you lot should skip the starting time row with data and put your Excel per centum formula into the iind cell, which is D3 in this example.

After applying the percentage format to the column with the per centum change formula, you will become the following result:
Excel formula to calculate percent change between rows

If you lot want to calculate percentage change compared to a sure cell, then you need to gear up the reference to that jail cell by using the absolute cell reference with the $ sign, e.g. $C$ii.

For instance, here is the Excel percentage change formula that calculates the per centum increase / decrease for each calendar month compared to Jan (C2):


When you drag the formula down to copy it to other cells, the absolute reference ($C$2) will stay the same, while the relative reference (C3) will change to C4, C5 and then on.
Calculating a percentage change compared to January

Computing amount and full by percentage

As you've simply seen, computing percentages in Excel is piece of cake, and so is calculating amounts and totals if yous know the percentage.

Example 1. Calculate amount by total and per centum

Suppose you are buying a new laptop for $950 and they charge 11% VAT on this purchase. The question is - how much practise you lot take to pay on height of the net toll? In other words, what is 11% of $950?

The following formula will help:

Total * Percentage = Corporeality

Assuming that the total value is in cell A2 and percent in B2, the higher up formula turns into a simple =A2*B2 and returns 104.50.
Calculating amount by total and percentage

Call up, when you type a number followed by the percent sign (%) in Excel, the number is interpreted as a hundredth of its value. For example, 11% is actually stored as 0.11 and Excel uses this underlying value in all formulas and calculations.

In other words, the formula =A2*11% is equivalent to =A2*0.11. Naturally, you are free to use the decimal number corresponding to the per centum directly in a formula if this works better for your worksheets.

Instance ii. Calculating total past amount and pct

For example, you friend offered you his onetime computer for $400, which is 30% off the original price. You want to know what the original price was.

Since 30% is the discount, you deduct it from 100% first to know what per centum yous actually take to pay (100% - 30% = seventy%). Now yous demand the formula to summate the original toll, i.e. to discover the number whose 70% equals 400.

The formula goes as follows:

Amount / Percent = Total

Applied to real data, it may take any of the post-obit shapes:





Calculating the total by amount and percentage

How to increase / decrease a number by percentage

The holiday season is upon us and this indicates a change in your usual weekly spendings. You may desire to consider different options to find out your optimum weekly allowance.

To increase an amount by a percentage, use this formula:

= Corporeality * (ane + %)

For example, to increase the value in jail cell A1 by twenty%, the formula is:


To decrease an amount past a percentage:

= Amount * (1 - %)

For instance, to reduce the value in cell A1 by 20%, the formula is:


In our example, if A2 is your current expenditures and B2 is the percent y'all desire to increment or reduce that corporeality past, here are the formulas you'd enter in cell C2:

Increase past percentage:


Reduce by percent:

Excel formula to increase a number by percentage

How to increment / reduce an entire column by a pct

Suppose, you accept a column of numbers that you want to increase or reduce past a sure percentage, and you want to have the updated numbers in the same column rather than add a new column with the formula.

Hither are 5 quick steps to handle this chore:

  1. Enter all the numbers you want to increase or decrease in some cavalcade, column B in this example.
  2. In an empty cell, enter one of the below formulas:

    Increase past percent:


    Reduce past percentage:

    A formula to increase an entire column of numbers by a certain percentage

    Naturally, you are costless to replace 20% in the above formulas with the per centum you want.

  3. Select the cell with the formula (C2 in our example) and re-create it past pressing Ctrl + C.
  4. Select the range of cells y'all want to alter, right click the choice and then click Paste Special…
    Use Paste Special to increase an entire column of numbers by percentage
  5. In the Paste Special dialog window, select Values under Paste, Multiply under Operation and click OK.
    In the Paste Special dialog window, select Values under Paste, Multiply under Operation.

And here'south the result - all the numbers in cavalcade B are increased by xx%:
All the numbers in column B are increased by 20%.

In the same way, you can multiply or carve up a column of numbers by a certain percentage. Only enter the desired percentage in an empty cell and follow the steps above.

This is how you lot summate percentage in Excel. And even if working with percentages has never been your favorite kind of math, by using these basic pct formulas you can get Excel to do the work for you. That's all for today, thank yous for reading!

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