
How To Increase Fm Radio Reception

FM radio can exist a truly wonderful form of media, if it is handled correctly. To receive and savor our quality programs to the fullest, y'all need to observe what many refer to as the three A's of radio:

  • A good radio
  • A adept antenna
  • A adept location

If you have all three of these, you could potentially receive an FM station up to 100 miles abroad! However, many of u.s.a. have, at best, just one of these items.


For good reception, a radio must accept good selectivity (selectivity is a radio's ability to split up weak signals located nearby, on the FM dial, strong stations) and good sensitivity (the ability to receive weak, distant, signals at all!)

Automobile Radios: Yous probably already have a radio with these features. This radio is located in your automobile. Motorcar radios are typically engineered to college standards to provide decent reception in a moving vehicle, in the presence of varying terrain and with a serious nearby source of interference (your engine!). Add to this the necessity that all has to be done while being bounced effectually on Pacific Northwest roads and better pattern shows its benefits. You lot've already, likely, noticed that FM radio reception is normally ameliorate in your auto than in your house.

Home/Part radios: Nigh home radios take poor selectivity and sensitivity (some call them "junk" in the radio business organisation). Typical $19.95 radios with analog tuning (as opposed to digital tuning, where the radio station's frequency is displayed in illuminated numbers) will piece of work, merely only near a radio station'southward transmitter. Most clock radios, under kitchen chiffonier radios, "boom boxes", crank-up radios, et al but don't work very well, especially when compared to a auto radio!

Some Possible Recommendations:
One could find a spare car radio, buy a 12 volt DC power supply, construct a cabinet, and locate some dainty external speakers.

Barring that process, in that location


a few great radios out in that location… aye, they practise cost more than than a $19.95 plastic throw-away radio… but they also perform MUCH better. They sound great, and are a quality product. Positive feedback, regarding specific radio receivers will be posted on the folio as it becomes available. Some well-researched existing recommendations can be establish on-line hither.

If you happen to have a component "stereo" arrangement (typically separate amplifier/tuner, with split up speakers) your tuner already might have decent sensitivity and selectivity. If FM reception is still non what it should be, y'all can effort connecting a better antenna (come across below) and see how your reception improves!


These 2 items are actually MORE of import than the kind of radio you're using and they are related in a big way. You tin get the aforementioned reception in a bad location (using a bang-up antenna) as you can in a good location (using a bad antenna)! But why not work on improving both?

General Argument: You lot MUST have an antenna (of some kind) to receive any signals on a radio!

The Basics of Radio Physics:FM Radio Waves travel more than-or-less in straight lines. They are weakened by objects that become between the transmitter and receiver.


The closer you lot are located to an FM transmitter the better adventure you take of receiving a articulate bespeak from Radio of Hope.

The to a higher place your antenna is located, the better run a risk you have of receiving a clear signal. In other words, if your radio has a built-in antenna, it will work better in your attic, than in your basement! Or if you have an outdoor antenna, information technology will perform better on the roof, than on your kid's old swing-set.

If your house is on a hill, you'll go better reception than if it is in a valley.

If there is a big object betwixt your business firm and the transmitter (similar a mountain, for instance) you volition probably receive a poor betoken!

If your antenna is outside, it will perform better than if it is inside.


Someone one time said that you MUST have an antenna to receive whatsoever radio reception at all, and they were correct! The least expensive radios Simply have congenital-in antennas, with no provision for connecting an external antenna. With better radios, you accept a choice.

Born antennas: Fifty-fifty the lowliest radio has some sort of antenna… typically built-in, with typically poor functioning. Nigh clock/tabular array radios use the power string every bit an antenna. A "walkman" or iPod with an FM radio uses the headphone cord equally the antenna! Except in strong signal areas (nearby a transmitter) none of these perform all that well. Signals they receive are usually variable; for example, when you lot walk around the room, the betoken force volition modify (ordinarily for the worse!)

We Recommend: If your radio has a born antenna, and you are nearly satisfied with its performance, endeavor moving the Air conditioning power cord around. Information technology may work slightly improve draped over the dresser, instead of lying on the floor.

Wire "dipole" (normally supplied with improve radios):

This is a flexible wire antenna that comes packed with some radios, including the few referenced earlier. Using this antenna will improve reception somewhat, only as with ALL antennas, information technology's not the perfect solution. It is fastened to the back of the radio, and then "strung upward" somewhere in the room as a "T" with the two ends extended as far every bit possible from each other. This can be the difficult part, because who wants an cruddy wire tacked on the walls of their living room? It is also somewhat directional; in that information technology volition (in theory) pick up radio stations better perpendicular to the horizontal portion of the "T". So if you listen to several stations broadcasting from dissimilar directions this might not be ideal. Of grade, you might try snaking the antenna out a window and somehow tacking upward the "T" portion outside for improved reception. It all depends upon how adamant you lot are to improve your radio reception.

Telescoping antenna(s)/"rabbit ears":

Some "smash boxes" and portable radios have ane or two telescoping antenna rods. These perform somewhat better than the wire "dipoles" because you lot can movement the ane (or 2) rods around for optimal operation. You lot can buy a pair of "rabbit ears" from Radio Shack for effectually $x.

Indoor Tip:

Don't bother with indoor antennas that do NOT have a pair of cruddy long rods with them. Circular, ash-tray sized and other types of indoor antennas are meant for UHF television and won't work very well for FM radio.

Amplified indoor antennas:

People frequently ask us near these things and it seems that our best answer is something on the lodge of "it all depends" . In that location are several of these available, manufactured past Terk, Audiovox and others… they are dipole or like antennas, in an "attractive" instance with a small pre-amplifier intended to boost the signal before it gets to your radio. Technically in that location are several things wrong with this approach…. Typically your radio already has a very good pre-amplifier built in to its circuitry. A "dipole" antenna connected to your radio could work but besides equally an amplified antenna. The additional pre-amplification sometimes causes increased racket in the reception, particularly if there are strong FM stations in the neighborhood and you lot're trying to receive a weak one!

Outdoor Antennas:

If you can somehow manage an outdoor antenna, this is the way to go! Apartment dwellers, renters, cave-dwellers, submarine operators, nosotros're sorry, as we know you may non be permitted to install an outdoor antenna.The best thing for the remainder of united states to exercise is to use (or re-purpose) a Tv antenna, originally designed to receive TV channels ii-thirteen, that is already on your roof. If you still use information technology to receive off-air TV, then get an inexpensive Tv set-FM splitter. Or if you lot've switched to cablevision-TV or satellite-TV, then just connect your old Telly connection to your FM radio. You'll exist surprised at how well this works! The main reason is that TV channel vi is immediately adjacent to the bottom of the FM broadcast ring and will boost those FM channels as well.

If you want to install a new outdoor FM antenna, there are a few types to choose from, "omni-directional" and "directional". An "omni", volition receive FM signals from all directions, similar the Winegard Hard disk drive-6010 ($32) or Stellar Labs 30-2435 ($17). These are decent choices if you lot like to station-hop.

If you generally listen to merely 1 station or most of the stations y'all listen to are located in (more or less) the same direction (or yous could use an antenna "rotator") and so you need a directional antenna. One possibility is the Stellar Labs Yagi($38). Installing an outdoor antenna can be fun, challenging, or both! Here's how: The easiest way to do this is to have someone else practice the installation.

Hit the Yellow Pages or inquire effectually. To practice information technology yourself, "somehow" mount your new FM antenna on a metallic pipage. Antenna masts typically come in v and 10 human foot lengths. Secure the piping to the roof or side of your firm remembering the college the better!  You lot can go tripod roof mounts and wall mounts from Home Depot as well equally antenna mast. Every step of the style, delight be conscientious!If it'due south a directional antenna, aim it towards the station of your choice. In this case it's better to look until the antenna is connected to the radio, then manually rotate the antenna for best reception and lock it downwards. Or you can purchase an antenna rotator, likewise equally sufficient cable to connect it to the rotator command unit, which will be inside your business firm somewhere.

Then you need to somehow get the signal from your antenna down to your radio. In the "one-time" days, a flat cable most ½" wide called "twin-lead" was all that was available. Now everybody uses round coaxial cable. Your new antenna will probably have ii spiral terminals on information technology, so you'll need a coaxial "balun" or matching transformer to connect to this type of antenna. The matching transformer will have an "F" connector on the end away from the antenna. You can buy coaxial cablevision with mating "F" connectors already installed, or purchase a special crimp tool and install your own "F" connectors on coaxial cable you purchase separately. Route the coaxial cable to the radio. Newer radios will as well have an "F" connector on them and a switch, labeled something like "internal" and "external". Connect the new cable from your new antenna to your radio, switch to "external" and hear more FM stations than you've ever heard earlier!


Wait! We didn't mention interference! All the same, it is a reality, so we should at to the lowest degree discuss its existence.

The 21st century is Total of radiofrequency signals, some of which volition disharmonize with each other. Here is a few examples of types of interference we've heard about.

iPod, Satellite Radio, FM Modulator interference:

This has been a BIG problem for FM radio reception. These devices are designed to allow you listen to their audio through your FM radio… they have a pocket-sized FM transmitter which is designed to circulate over a very express range on an un-used FM frequency.

In theory, this sounds perfectly acceptable, all the same several things tin can become incorrect: Some of these units weren't designed properly and they broadcast over a MUCH wider electronic area than they should. Some of these devices come pre-set up to broadcast on 88.i…. unless they are re-fix, they volition cause interference to actual FM stations on 88.1. Also, if improperly installed, some of these devices can cause tremendous areas of interference!

What to practise?

The FCC has been requiring much more stringent testing of these devices… hopefully (eventually) the older non-compliant devices volition be replaced. Or if you happen to repeatedly come across the same vehicle producing the same interference to your radio, you might ask the owner to switch the output frequency of his device. Or if it is you that is causing the interference delight exist considerate of others and make necessary changes.

Interference from other stations:

Typically this can be cured through the use of a radio with improve selectivity. If you hear another station while trying to listen to your favorite signal, try listening on another radio (a car radio, for example) . If the situation improves, you probably practice need a better radio. Another option is to utilise a directional antenna, and/or endeavor to re-orient any antenna your radio uses. If you tin can (somehow) increment the amount of signal while decreasing the offending signal then your radio volition be able to split the two stations better.

Multi-path interference:

Sometimes the same FM point can be received by your radio's antenna from several dissimilar directions, arriving at slightly unlike times! For instance, if there is a nearby reflective surface (like a cliff face) the signal might make it at your antenna directly from the FM transmitter, then a fraction of a second after later information technology has "bounced" off the rock cliff face. The radio becomes "confused" and noisy, harsh reception tin can occur. To cure this, endeavor to either use a directional antenna, or endeavor to re-orient your antenna to maximize your reception of the primary bespeak.

Other sources of interference:

There are plenty of other sources of interference possible, computers, Boob tube's, fluorescent lights, electric fences and more. Try to determine which of these sources is causing the problem and isolate it, and/or effort to better the FM signal getting to your radio. Get a better antenna or try a amend location for it.

While not an exhaustive listing, our want is that these hints and tips will help you in resolving your reception difficulties then that you tin can occupy your mind on more worthwhile pursuits like developing a relationship with the Creator/Redeemer of the Universe!

How To Increase Fm Radio Reception,


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