
How To Lock Top Row In Excel

The tutorial demonstrates quick ways to freeze panes in Excel. You will learn how to chop-chop lock header row or/and the first column. You will likewise meet how to freeze several panes at a time to make Excel always evidence sure rows or/and columns when you coil downwardly or right. These tips work in all mod versions of Excel 365, 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007.

Every bit you probably know, the current versions of Excel permit using more a million rows and over sixteen,000 columns per sheet. Hardly anyone will ever use them to the limit, merely if your worksheet contains tens or hundreds of rows, the column headers in the top row disappear when you are scrolling down to view lower entries. The good news is that you tin can easily fix that inconvenience by freezing panes in Excel.

In Microsoft Excel terms, to freeze panes ways to e'er show certain rows and/or columns at the summit of a spreadsheet when scrolling. Bellow you will find the detailed steps that work in whatever for Excel version.

  • How to freeze rows in Excel
  • How to freeze columns in Excel
    • Lock the commencement column in a sheet
    • Freeze multiple columns
  • How to freeze multiple panes in Excel
  • How to unfreeze panes in Excel
  • Excel Freeze Panes tips

How to freeze rows in Excel

Typically, you would want to lock the showtime row to see the column headers when yous whorl downward the sheet. But sometimes your spreadsheet may contain important information in a few tiptop rows and you may desire to freeze them all. Below you will discover the steps for both scenarios.

How to freeze top row (header row) in Excel

To e'er show the header row, but go to the View tab, and click Freeze Panes > Freeze Meridian Row. Yep, it's that simple : )
Freezing the top row in Excel

Microsoft Excel gives y'all a visual clue to identify a frozen row by a bit thicker and darker border below it:
A darker border indicates that the row above it is frozen.


  • If y'all are working with Excel tables rather than ranges, you practice not really need to lock the first row, because the tabular array header always stays fixed at the top, no matter how many rows downwards you gyre in a tabular array.
  • If y'all are going to print out your tabular array and desire to repeat header rows on every page, you may detect this tutorial helpful - How to print row and column headers of Excel.

How to lock multiple Excel rows

Exercise yous want to freeze several rows in your spreadsheet? No problem, y'all tin can lock as many rows as yous want, as long every bit you ever start with the top row.

  1. Starting time by selecting the row beneath the last row you want to freeze.

    For case, if you wish to lock the peak two rows, place the mouse cursor in cell A3 or select the unabridged row iii.

  2. Caput over to the View tab and click Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.
    Select the row below the last row you want to freeze and click Freeze Panes.

The result will exist similar to what you see in the screenshot below - the top 2 rows in your Excel worksheet are frozen and will e'er prove up.
A darker border indicates that top 2 rows are frozen.

Notation. If some of the rows that you wish to lock are out of view when you apply freezing, they won't testify upwards later, nor will you be able to scroll upward to those rows. See how to avoid frozen hidden rows in Excel.

How to freeze columns in Excel

You lock columns in Excel in exactly the same style as y'all lock rows. And again, you can choose to freeze the first column but or multiple columns.

Lock the beginning column in a worksheet

Freezing the first column is equally simple as clicking View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Showtime Cavalcade.
Freeze the first column in Excel.

A footling darker and thicker border to the right of column A ways that the left-most column in the table is frozen.
A darker border means that the column to its left is frozen.

How to freeze multiple columns in Excel

If you want to lock more than one column in a sheet, continue in this way:

  1. Select the column to the correct of the last column y'all want to freeze. For example, if you want to freeze the first iii columns (A - C), select the entire column D or cell D1.

    Just remember that frozen columns will always start from the left-virtually column (A), information technology's not possible to lock several columns somewhere in the middle of the sheet.

  2. And now, follow the already familiar path, i.e View tab > Freeze panes > and again Freeze panes.
    Freezing several columns in Excel

Notation. Delight make sure that all the columns yous want to lock are visible at the moment of freezing. If some of the columns are out of view, you won't run into them after. For more details, please run into How to avoid hidden columns in Excel.

How to freeze multiple panes in Excel (rows and columns)

Do you wish to lock multiple rows and columns? No problem, you lot tin do this besides, provided that you always commencement with the top row and starting time column.

To lock several rows and columns at a time, select a cell below the last row and to the right of the last column you want to freeze.

For example, to freeze the top row and first column , select jail cell B2, go to the View tab and click Freeze Panes under Freeze Panes:
Freezing the top row and first column in Excel.

In the same manner, you can freeze as many Excel panes as you lot desire. For example, to lock the start ii rows and 2 columns, you select cell C3; to fix iii rows and 3 columns, select cell D4 etc. Naturally, the number of locked rows and columns does non necessarily take to be the aforementioned. For example, to freeze 2 rows and 3 columns, y'all select... gauge which cell? Correct, D3 : )

How to unfreeze panes in Excel

To unfreeze panes, only exercise the following: go to the View tab, Window grouping, and click Freeze panes > Unfreeze Panes.

Unfreeze panes in Excel

Excel Freeze Panes tips

As y'all accept just seen, freezing panes in Excel is one of the easiest tasks to perform. However, as is often the case with Microsoft, there is much more beneath the hood. What follows below is a caveat, an artifact and a tip.

Caveat: Forbid subconscious rows / columns when freezing Excel panes

When you are locking several rows or columns in a spreadsheet, you may inadvertently hide some of them, and equally a effect, yous won't come across those hidden panes later. To avoid this, make certain that all the rows and/or columns you desire to lock are within eyesight at the moment of freezing.

For example, y'all wish to freeze the starting time three rows, but row i is currently out of view, as shown in the screenshot below. Every bit the result, row 1 won't show upwardly later and you won't be able to curlicue up to information technology. Though, you would still be able to become to the cells in a hidden frozen row using the arrow keys.
To prevent hidden frozen rows, make sure all the rows you wish to lock are visible.

Antiquity: Excel may freeze panes totally different from what y'all expected

Don't yous believe me? So attempt selecting cell A1, or the height visible row, or the leftmost visible column, click Freeze Panes and meet what happens.

For example, if you select row 4 while the outset iii rows are out of view (non hidden, simply in a higher place the ringlet) and click Freeze Panes, what would y'all wait? Most manifestly, rows 1 - three would get frozen? Nope! Microsoft Excel thinks differently and the screenshot below shows one of many possible outcomes:
Excel may freeze panes in a different way than you expected.

And then, delight remember, the panes you are going to lock, both rows and columns, should always exist in sight.

Tip: How to camouflage the Freeze Panes line

If you are not peculiarly fond of the dark freeze panes line that Microsoft Excel draws underneath locked rows and to the right of locked columns, yous tin try disguising it with the help of shapes and a little creativity : )
The Freeze Panes line is camouflaged using Excel shapes.

If yous remember this is something that might work for you, delight encounter the following article for step-by-step instructions - Dealing with Excel Freeze Panes Line.

And this is all for today, thank you for reading!

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